Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Tabletop Terrarium Collection

Check out our new tabletop collection. 

TT 001

TT 002

TT 003

TT 004

TT 005

TT 006

TT 007

Awesome Hanging Collection

Have you check out our hanging collection?? If not please click Collection Hanging Terrarium. This time we create our new collection of Hanging Terrarium.

AHT 001

AHT 002

AHT 003

AHT 004

New! Collection Hanging Terrarium

Hye!! We just come out with a new idea by creating hanging terrarium. We just provide the sample that we had and you can change if you want. Just fill the form that we provide.

HT 001

HT 002

HT 003

HT 004

HT 005

HT 006

Natural Collection of Terrarium

MTN oo1

MTN 002

MTN 003

MTN 004

You can change the container or the plant that we provide. If you want to order, just fill the form that provided. Thank you for choosing our Terrarium.

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Collection of Terrarium (Mini)

Here our collection of mini terrarium.

MT 001

MT 002


MT 004

