
We just launch our new product, Terrarium. Here, we provide information about the Terrarium


> Terrarium is a container which is designed to hold small plants in controlled conditions. The closed nature of a terrarium creates an environment which is easy to control, allowing people to stimulate everything from the desert to the rain-forest

>  Terrariums can be purchased from companies which specialize in them, and they can also be made by hand; people who want especially large or custom-fitted terrariums often end up making their own.
> The defining feature of a terrarium is that it is an enclosed replica of a natural environment which is in contact with the earth, so some sort of soil, sand, or rock must be present in a terrarium.

 > Typically, the container is clear, allowing an unobstructed view of the contents, although a terrarium can also be built from wood and other materials with sliding panels to allow a view.
> When the top of a terrarium is closed, it tends to be warmer and more humid, while open-topped terrariums are cooler.